Our Story

How it all started...

Hi I'm Lloyd E Darst "Gene"

I was diagnosed with GBM brain tumor in Feb. had surgery in March to remove the largest tumor and they found two additional areas of concern. We started radiation and chemotherapy on the 3rd of April
Current doctor prognosis is life expectancy (TimeBox) anywhere from 12- 24 months.

I’m a true believer in Gods healing power, prayers are welcome.
My heart is at peace with either path before me healing or not.
This life on earth is short, we are not guaranteed tomorrow, we are guaranteed eternity. Everyone’s TimeBox was assigned at birth, it’s just which button do we get to see pushed first the countdown button (you have x amount of time before you die) or the end button (your dead, heart attack, accident, etc.)

 I’m one of the fortunate ones and I get to see the countdown button first which gives me a window of opportunity. I like opportunities. God has blessed and protected me my whole life, so I’m not going to waste this last opportunity to spread his word.

We started a ministry called TimeBox Ministries to spread the importance of not wasting any minutes from our TimeBox to do god's work. It will be a cloud-based ministry to start, then let God lead it to where he wants it to grow. I’m excited I have this opportunity to help others before I exit this life and move on to my eternal life.

My message for everyone:
Find your relationship with Christ nurture it, make it the most import thing in your life.

God first, Family second, Work third.
This has worked for me hopefully it will work for you too.

Wish all the best for you!


What is our God Plan?
We are all created from the dirt and put here for a purpose.
Do you know for what purpose you were created and called to fulfill?
Ultimately it is to serve God.
What does that calling look like?
What does the bible say we should do?

God -First | Family -Second | Everything Else - Third

Where we are headed...

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Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.